Photo Malnipulation!!!! Grimes^they use lots of photo manipulation to make their visuals more stimulating and exciting! The art of photo manipulation is a whole media and craft to it as any other art form! People often mistake photo-editing as deception, but this is only in certain cases in my opinion. Deception in photography can be a person editing their body to look a certain way or editing their surrounds to be at a certain place, but using this change to be preserved as “better”, ”richer”, and a laundry list of other adjectives. “Editing should maintain the integrity of the photographic images’ content and context. Do not manipulate images or add or alter sound in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects.“(From Article) But this manipulation can be used to create worlds, stories, and much, much more! Some people can use photo editing to express themselves bette ethan with a regular image. Salvia...